Simple recipes to warm the body during this extreme cold weather

We have been experiencing extreme weather in Jakarta Indonesia.
This extreme weather also experienced by other countries, and suspected related to the cold surge from Siberia.

We have rain almost every day, and this situation worse by lack of absorbing land in the highland of Bogor. Now we face a big flood in Jakarta.
The dying of some senior during this flood really concerns me. Some of them couldn’t bear the cold of weather. And it also happens in any other places. In US people facing the epidemic of flu.

During this cold weather it is preferably to eat and drink food that warming the system. Chicken in Chinese medicine have this warming quality. So if you experience this cold weather and also feel cold, then you may cook a chicken and add ginseng, and barley, simmer till cooked. Add salt and pepper to taste.

You may try this dumpling recipe:

  • Buy a dumpling skin from the Chinese grocery
  • Leek, ginger, salt, pepper, garlic
  •  Minced chicken
Chop the leek, ginger and garlic. Add them into the minced chicken. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir and knead all those ingredients.
Wrap a tsp.  Ingredients with the dumpling skin, and boil it in the boiling water, until cooked. Then serve them to eat.

Drinking a warm and healthy herbal is good.
  • Take a ginger and grilled it on the stove, then peel the skin
  • Put the ginger into the 5 glasses of water and simmer until the water left 3 glasses
  • Before turn off the stove, add a pinch of ground black pepper.
  • You may add honey to taste.

I make it as simple as I can, so people who might stuck in the house because of the flood can find the ingredients easy I their kitchen.
I hope these simple recipes may help all of you to get through this cold weather and stay healthy and fit


  1. It is cold weather running in Dhaka, Bangladesh now. The lowest temperature in Bangladesh in this season is 3 degree Celsius. We have tried to eat warm food in three times. We wear warm jackets & inner clothes not only outside but inside also. Because the environment is very cold.


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