Movements and acupuncture meridians
By : Henry Remanlay
Chinese medicine (CM) point of view is different than western
medicine. CM recognized the existence of acupuncture points that create
an energetic line all over the body and connect to organs. One
meridian it linked to a specific organ, so for example in CM the
meridian that running from face, abdomen to the feet is stomach
meridian, since internally this meridian connect with stomach organ. On a meridian lies many acupuncture points, and those points give different respond if stimulated (with needle or massage).
Those meridians also connect to muscles and tendons, because their role is to nourish muscle and support body movements. This
is why a problem with movements or muscles could become a tool for
assessing which meridians are involved in particular motor problem.
my clinical experience with special need children with development and
motor problem, combination between acupuncture and kinesiology give a
profound improvement. Children with developmental delay could be divided
into two categories, problem in meridian development or organs
imbalance. But whatever the category it manifests in motor control problem, since muscles are not receiving nourishment from meridians.
my experience practice and working with qigong, i found it is important
for the movements to have a correct movement, controlled, focused and
support with a good breathing. I notice that meridians can be stimulated
with a correct pattern of movements. Hua Tuo, a leading Chinese
medicine physician in the era of Han dynasty (25 - 220 AD), had stated
the importance of movements to cure and prevent the disease. He
developed a series of qigong movements that based on his observation on a
certain animals movements and their relation to Chinese medicine five
elements point of view.
Specific movement in qigong design to stimulates acupuncture points, so combination between acupuncture and adapted specific movements may support special needs children development.
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